Musoq is available as a CLI (Command Line Interface) tool. This tool can be downloaded from the repository linked here. It serves both as a server executing queries and a client that allows for running queries.

Repository of Musoq CLI

The repository contains the Musoq command line interface. The program consists of two main parts:

  • Musoq agent: The server part that allows loading the Musoq runtime and running your queries.
  • Musoq cli: A thin client that enables you to run the queries on the server.

How to try it out

  1. Download the zipped program for your target architecture (check the release assets).
  2. Unzip it to a directory of your choice.
  3. Open a first console window in the directory.
  4. For Windows, run ./Musoq.exe serve --wait-until-exit. For Linux, run ./Musoq serve --wait-until-exit.
  5. Open a second console window in the same directory.
  6. For Windows, run ./Musoq.exe run query "select 1 from #system.dual()". For Linux, run ./Musoq run query "select 1 from #system.dual()".

Does it need any additional dependencies?

No. It is self-contained and should be ready to go immediately.


You can explore CLI options with the --help helper command.


In the future, it’s expected that the installation process will be fully automated, allowing for software installation through package managers like snap for Linux or chocolatey for Windows.