Setup & Use tool from CLI
- Download release for your platform at Musoq CLI repository
- Extract the archive
- Linux users:
chmod +x ./Musoq
Basic Usage
First, start the server to run queries:
Musoq serve
or quit the server if don’t need it anymore:
Musoq quit
Once your server is up and running, run queries directly:
# Windows
Musoq.exe run query "select 1 from #system.dual()"
# Linux
Musoq run query "select 1 from #system.dual()"
Help and Options
Check available options:
Musoq --help
Musoq run --help
Musoq serve --help
More Advanced Things
Server Operations
when you need to look at the server logs, run the server in the foreground:
# Start server and keep console open
Musoq serve --wait-until-exit
and then stop it with:
Musoq quit
Specify Desired Output Format
# Specify output format
Musoq run query "select 1 from #system.dual()" --format [raw|csv|json|interpreted_json]
Musoq run query "select Value from #system.range(1, 3)" --format raw
Musoq run query "select Value from #system.range(1, 3)" --format csv
Musoq run query "select Value from #system.range(1, 3)" --format json
Interpreted JSON
Musoq run query "select Value as 'obj.Number', NewId() as 'obj.Id' from #system.range(0, 10)" --format interpreted-json
Data Persistence with Buckets
Sometimes the process of data preparation for being queryable is really heavy. In such cases, it’s possible that plugin might allow to use buckets to store and reuse data. Roslyn data source allows do that:
Musoq bucket create mybucket
Load solution to bucket
Musoq csharp solution load --solution "path/to/solution.sln" --bucket mybucket
Do the first query
Musoq run query "select p.Name from #csharp.solution('path/to/solution.sln') s cross apply s.Projects p" --bucket mybucket
Then do another
Musoq run query "select p.Name from #csharp.solution('path/to/solution.sln') s cross apply s.Projects p where p.Name like '%Tests'" --bucket mybucket
This way, you load the solution once and then reuse it in multiple queries. After you’re done, you can clean up:
Musoq csharp solution unload --solution "path/to/solution.sln" --bucket mybucket
And delete whole bucket:
Musoq bucket delete mybucket
Shell Integration
Musoq can process tables resulted from other commands. This allows for easy integration with other tools. You can treat table as a data source and process it with Musoq.
wmic process get name,processid,workingsetsize | Musoq.exe run query "select t.Name, Count(t.Name) from #stdin.table(true) t group by t.Name having Count(t.Name) > 1"
Or join them with other data sources:
& {
docker image ls;
.\Musoq.exe separator;
docker container ls
} | ./Musoq.exe run query "select t.IMAGE_ID, t.REPOSITORY, t.SIZE, t.TAG, t2.CONTAINER_ID, t2.CREATED, t2.STATUS from #stdin.table(true) t inner join #stdin.table(true) t2 on t.IMAGE_ID = t2.IMAGE"
Or use AI models to extract data from text:
Ticket #: 1234567
Date: 2024-09-07 14:30:22 UTC
Customer: Jane Doe (
Product: CloudSync Pro v3.5.2
OS: macOS 12.3.1
Subject: Sync Failure and Data Loss
Customer reported that CloudSync Pro failed to sync properly on 2024-09-06 around 18:45 local time.
The sync process started but stopped at 43% completion with error code E-1010.
After the failed sync, the customer noticed that approximately 250 MB of data was missing from their local drive.
The customer has tried restarting the application and their computer, but the issue persists.
They are using CloudSync Pro on 3 devices in total: MacBook Pro, iPhone 13, and iPad Air.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open CloudSync Pro v3.5.2 on macOS 12.3.1
2. Initiate a full sync
3. Observe sync progress halting at 43% with error E-1010
Impact: High - Customer cannot sync data and has lost important files
Troubleshooting Attempted:
- Restarted application: No effect
- Restarted computer: No effect
- Checked internet connection: Stable at 100 Mbps
Additional Notes:
Customer is a premium subscriber and requests urgent assistance due to lost data containing work-related documents.
Get-Content "C:\Tickets\ticket.txt" | ./Musoq.exe run query "select t.TicketNumber, t.TicketDate, t.CustomerName, t.CustomerEmail, t.Product, t.OperatingSystem, t.Subject, t.ImpactLevel, t.ErrorCode, t.DataLossAmount, t.DeviceCount, case when ToLowerInvariant(t.SubscriptionType) like '%premium%' then 'PREMIUM' else 'STANDARD' end from #stdin.text('Ollama', 'llama3.1') t"
Or use it to extract informations from receipt:
Musoq image encode "/some/image/receipt.jpg" | ./Musoq.exe run query "select s.Shop, s.ProductName, s.Price from #stdin.image('OpenAi', 'gpt-4o') s"