Turning Photos To HashTags with LLMs

I’m going to create hashtags from images using SQL. We will use both Ollama for image description generation and OpenAI for hashtag generation.

How It’s Going To Work

  • We’re going to get image files from a specified directory.
  • Each image will be converted to Base64.
  • The local LLM will generate a description based on a prompt.
  • The result will be stored as a column.
  • We’re going to contact OpenAI to generate hashtags from the given photo description.

This way, we can index photos and do something useful with them, like creating a thematic album.

First Try

Here’s an example SQL query using the llama3.2-vision:latest model to generate image descriptions:

    l.AskImage('Describe this photo of my child in one sentence.', f.Base64File()) as description 
from #os.files('/some/folder/with/photos', false) f 
cross apply #ollama.llm('llama3.2-vision:latest') l
│ f.Name       │ description                                                                                                                               │
│ BEZN8348.JPG │ The baby in the image appears to be wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and brown pants, with a neutral expression on their face as they   │
│              │ are being held by an older man who is likely a grandparent.                                                                               │
│ AARD3200.JPG │ The baby in the image appears to be sleeping peacefully, lying on its back with its arms at its sides and a calm expression on its face.  │
│ CCLO3762.JPG │ The baby in the image appears to be sleeping peacefully in a stroller or bassinet, wrapped snugly in a white blanket and wearing a        │
│              │ matching hat.                                                                                                                             │

Another Try With Commercial Model

For comparison, the following query uses the gpt-4o model to generate image descriptions:

    l.AskImage('this is the photo of my little child I want you to describe. Be conscise, use only single statement.', f.Base64File()) as description 
from #os.files('/some/folder/with/photos', false) f 
cross apply #openai.gpt('gpt-4o') l
│ f.Name       │ description                                                                                                            │
│ BEZN8348.JPG │ A man in a red sweater is holding a baby, with a decorative background featuring balloons and a banner.                │
│ CCLO3762.JPG │ A baby is peacefully sleeping in a stroller, bundled in warm white clothing, while an adult adjusts the blanket.       │
│ AARD3200.JPG │ A baby is peacefully sleeping, surrounded by patterned bedding and wearing a blue outfit with colorful vehicle prints. │

Final Try With Both Models Combined

Because I don’t want to send private photos (e.g., pictures of my child) to external services, I plan to generate photo descriptions using a local LLM model. By generating descriptions this way, I avoid leaking data that I don’t want to show to the whole world. These generated descriptions are then sent to a much more powerful model which will generate the hashtags I request.

with PhotosDescription as (
        f.Name as Name, 
        l.AskImage('this is the photo of my little child I want you to describe. Be conscise, use only single statement.', f.Base64File()) as Description 
    from #os.files('/some/folder/with/photos', false) f 
    cross apply #ollama.llm('llama3.2-vision:11b-instruct-q4_K_M') l
    l.LlmPerform('this is the description of the photo I want you generate hashtags for. It comes from my child photo album. Return only hashtags separated with comma (#something, #somethingElse). Comma is very important to separate hashtags. Dont forget about it. No description or explanation.', p.Description) as HashTags
from PhotosDescription p cross apply #openai.gpt('gpt-4o', 4096, 0.0) l
│ p.Name       │ p.Description                                                       │ HashTags                                                            │
│ AARD3200.JPG │ The baby in the image appears to be sleeping peacefully, lying on   │ #BabySleep, #PeacefulBaby, #SleepingBaby, #CalmBaby, #AdorableBaby, │
│              │ its back with its arms at its sides and a calm expression on its    │ #BabyAlbum, #SweetDreams, #InnocentSleep, #BabyMemories,            │
│              │ face.                                                               │ #CherishedMoments                                                   │
│ BEZN8348.JPG │ The baby in the image appears to be wearing a white long-sleeved    │ #BabyMemories, #FamilyLove, #GrandparentBond, #ChildhoodMoments,    │
│              │ shirt and brown pants, with a neutral expression on their face as   │ #FamilyAlbum, #PreciousMemories, #GenerationsTogether, #FamilyTime, │
│              │ they are being held by an older man who is likely a grandparent.    │ #BabyFashion, #CherishedMoments                                     │
│ CCLO3762.JPG │ The baby in the image appears to be sleeping peacefully in a        │ #BabySleep, #PeacefulBaby, #SleepingBaby, #SnugAsABug,              │
│              │ stroller or bassinet, wrapped snugly in a white blanket and wearing │ #BabyInBlanket, #AdorableBaby, #BabyInStroller, #Newborn, #BabyHat, │
│              │ a matching hat.                                                     │ #SweetDreams, #InnocentSleep, #BabyAlbum, #CherishedMoments,        │
│              │                                                                     │ #BabyMemories, #CozyBaby                                            │