Provides schema to work with Git repositories.
A table in Musoq represents a structured data source with rows and columns. Each table provides access to specific data types and can be queried using the FROM clause (e.g., ‘FROM #source.table()’). Below are the available tables exposed by this data source:
git.repository(string path)
Allows to perform queries on the given Git repository path.
Name | Type | Description |
Path | string | Repository path |
WorkingDirectory | string | Working directory path |
Branches | BranchEntity[] | Repository branches |
Tags | TagEntity[] | Repository tags |
Commits | CommitEntity[] | Repository commits |
Head | BranchEntity | Current HEAD branch |
Configuration | ConfigurationEntityKeyValue[] | Repository configuration |
Information | RepositoryInformationEntity | Repository information |
Stashes | StashEntity[] | Repository stashes |
Self | RepositoryEntity | This instance |
Private Tables
Private tables are auxiliary data structures accessible only through CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY operators. They typically represent nested or related data structures within the primary table. While not directly queryable, these tables provide essential data relationships and hierarchical access patterns. Available private tables include:
Represents a Git branch
Name | Type | Description |
FriendlyName | string | Branch friendly name |
CanonicalName | string | Branch canonical name |
IsRemote | bool | Is remote branch |
IsTracking | bool | Is tracking another branch |
IsCurrentRepositoryHead | bool | Is current repository HEAD |
TrackedBranch | BranchEntity | Tracked branch |
BranchTrackingDetails | BranchTrackingDetailsEntity | Branch tracking details |
Tip | CommitEntity | Branch tip commit |
Commits | CommitEntity[] | Branch commits |
UpstreamBranchCanonicalName | string | Upstream branch canonical name |
RemoteName | string | Remote name |
ParentBranch | BranchEntity | Parent branch |
Self | BranchEntity | This instance |
Represents a Git commit
Name | Type | Description |
Sha | string | Commit SHA |
Message | string | Commit message |
MessageShort | string | Short commit message |
Author | string | Author name |
AuthorEmail | string | Author email |
Committer | string | Committer name |
CommitterEmail | string | Committer email |
CommittedWhen | DateTimeOffset | Commit date and time |
Self | CommitEntity | This instance |
Represents a Git tag
Name | Type | Description |
FriendlyName | string? | Tag friendly name |
CanonicalName | string? | Tag canonical name |
Message | string? | Tag message |
IsAnnotated | bool | Is annotated tag |
Annotation | AnnotationEntity | Tag annotation |
Commit | CommitEntity? | Tag commit |
Represents a Git stash
Name | Type | Description |
Message | string | Stash message |
Index | CommitEntity | Index state |
WorkTree | CommitEntity | Work tree state |
UntrackedFiles | CommitEntity | Untracked files state |
Represents Git configuration entry
Name | Type | Description |
Key | string | Configuration key |
Value | string | Configuration value |
ConfigurationLevel | string | Configuration level |
Represents Git repository information
Name | Type | Description |
Path | string | Repository path |
WorkingDirectory | string | Working directory path |
IsBare | bool | Is bare repository |
IsHeadDetached | bool | Is HEAD detached |
IsHeadUnborn | bool | Is HEAD unborn |
IsShallow | bool | Is shallow repository |
Represents Git branch tracking details
Name | Type | Description |
AheadBy | int? | Commits ahead count |
BehindBy | int? | Commits behind count |
Represents Git file differences
Name | Type | Description |
Path | string | Changed file path |
Exists | bool | File exists in new version |
ChangeKind | string | Kind of change |
OldPath | string | Old file path |
OldMode | string | Old file mode |
NewMode | string | New file mode |
OldSha | string | Old file SHA |
NewSha | string | New file SHA |
OldContent | string | Old file content |
NewContent | string | New file content |
OldContentBytes | byte[] | Old file content bytes |
NewContentBytes | byte[] | New file content bytes |
Represents Git tag annotation
Name | Type | Description |
Message | string? | Annotation message |
Name | string? | Annotation name |
Sha | string? | Annotation SHA |
Tagger | TaggerEntity? | Tagger information |
Represents Git tag tagger
Name | Type | Description |
Name | string? | Tagger name |
string? | Tagger email | |
WhenSigned | DateTimeOffset | When tag was signed |
Represents Git patch
Name | Type | Description |
LinesAdded | int | Lines added |
LinesDeleted | int | Lines deleted |
Content | string | Gets the full patch file of this diff |
Represents Git patch entry changes
Name | Type | Description |
LinesAdded | int | Lines added |
LinesDeleted | int | Lines deleted |
Content | string | Gets the patch corresponding to these changes |
Path | string | Gets the path of a file |
OldMode | string | Gets the old mode |
Mode | string | Gets the mode |
IsBinaryComparison | string | Determines if at least one side of the comparison holds binary content |
Represents a merge base in a git repository
Name | Type | Description |
MergeBaseCommit | CommitEntity | Merge base commit |
FirstBranch | BranchEntity | First branch |
SecondBranch | BranchEntity | Second branch |
This Data Source Methods
Methods allow operations on columns or values within queries. They provide specific operations and transformations on your data (e.g., ‘SELECT Method(Column)’). The following methods are available in this data source:
Aggregation methods
Aggregation methods process multiple rows to compute a single result value. These methods are used with GROUP BY clauses to summarize data across row groups. Below are the aggregation methods supported by this data source:
CommitEntity MaxCommit(string name, int parent)
Gets the max commit from a given group.
CommitEntity MaxCommit(string name)
Gets the max commit from a given group.
CommitEntity MinCommit(string name, int parent)
Gets the min commit from a given group.
CommitEntity MinCommit(string name)
Gets the min commit from a given group.
Non aggregation methods
Non-aggregation methods process data on a row-by-row basis, performing calculations or transformations for each individual row. These methods return a result for each input row. The following non-aggregation methods are available:
IEnumerable<DifferenceEntity> DifferenceBetween(CommitEntity first, CommitEntity second)
Gets the differences between two commits.
IEnumerable<DifferenceEntity> DifferenceBetween(BranchEntity first, BranchEntity second)
Gets the differences between two branches.
IEnumerable<DifferenceEntity> DifferenceBetweenCurrentAndBranch(BranchEntity branch)
Gets the differences between the current branch and a specified branch.
IEnumerable<DifferenceEntity> DifferenceBetweenCommitAndBranch(CommitEntity commit, BranchEntity branch)
Gets the differences between a commit and a branch.
IEnumerable<DifferenceEntity> DifferenceBetweenBranchAndCommit(BranchEntity branch, CommitEntity commit)
Gets the differences between a branch and a commit.
CommitEntity CommitFrom(string sha)
Gets a commit entity from a SHA.
BranchEntity BranchFrom(string canonicalName)
Gets a branch entity from a canonical name.
IEnumerable<PatchEntity> PatchBetween(CommitEntity first, CommitEntity second)
Gets the patch between two commits.
IEnumerable<BranchEntity> SearchForBranches(string searchPatternRegex)
Gets the branches that match a search pattern.
IEnumerable<CommitEntity> GetBranchSpecificCommits(RepositoryEntity repository, BranchEntity branch, bool excludeMergeBase)
Gets commits unique to this branch since it diverged from its parent.
MergeBaseEntity FindMergeBase(RepositoryEntity repository, BranchEntity branch)
Finds the merge base between this branch and another branch.
Standard Methods
Base methods constitute the fundamental function set inherited by all data sources in Musoq. These methods provide core functionality such as type conversions, mathematical operations, and string manipulations. They are automatically available alongside any data source-specific methods. The following base methods are supported:
Aggregation methods
Aggregation methods process multiple rows to compute a single result value. These methods are used with GROUP BY clauses to summarize data across row groups. Below are the aggregation methods supported by this data source:
string AggregateValues(string name)
Aggregates values into a single value.
string AggregateValues(string name, int parent)
Aggregates values into a single value.
Decimal Avg(string name)
Gets the aggregated average value from the given group name
Decimal Avg(string name, int parent)
Gets the aggregated average value from the given group name
int Count(string name)
Gets the count value of a given group.
int Count(string name, int parent)
Gets the count value of a given group.
DateTimeOffset? MaxDateTimeOffset(string name, int parent)
Retrieves the maximum DateTimeOffset value from the specified group.
DateTimeOffset? MaxDateTimeOffset(string name)
Retrieves the maximum DateTimeOffset value from the specified group.
DateTimeOffset? MinDateTimeOffset(string name, int parent)
Retrieves the minimum DateTimeOffset value from the specified group.
DateTimeOffset? MinDateTimeOffset(string name)
Retrieves the minimum DateTimeOffset value from the specified group.
Decimal Max(string name)
Gets the max value of a given group.
Decimal Max(string name, int parent)
Gets the max value of a given group.
Decimal Min(string name)
Gets the min value of a given group.
Decimal Min(string name, int parent)
Gets the min value of a given group.
Decimal StDev(string name, int parent)
Gets the StDev value of a given group.
Decimal Sum(string name)
Gets the sum value of a given group.
Decimal Sum(string name, int parent)
Gets the sum value of a given group.
Decimal SumIncome(string name)
Gets the sum value of a given group.
Decimal SumIncome(string name, int parent)
Gets the sum value of a given group.
Decimal SumOutcome(string name)
Gets the outcome value of a given group.
Decimal SumOutcome(string name, int parent)
Gets the outcome value of a given group.
TimeSpan? SumTimeSpan(string name)
Gets the sum value of a given group.
TimeSpan? SumTimeSpan(string name, int parent)
Gets the sum value of a given group.
TimeSpan? MinTimeSpan(string name)
Gets the min value of a given group.
TimeSpan? MinTimeSpan(string name, int parent)
Gets the min value of a given group.
TimeSpan? MaxTimeSpan(string name)
Gets the max value of a given group.
TimeSpan? MaxTimeSpan(string name, int parent)
Gets the max value of a given group.
IEnumerable<T> Window<T>(string name)
Gets the window
Non aggregation methods
Non-aggregation methods process data on a row-by-row basis, performing calculations or transformations for each individual row. These methods return a result for each input row. The following non-aggregation methods are available:
int RowNumber()
Gets the row number of the current row.
string GetTypeName(object obj)
Gets the typename of passed object.
byte? ShiftLeft(byte? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the left by the specified number of bits.
short? ShiftLeft(short? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the left by the specified number of bits.
int? ShiftLeft(int? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the left by the specified number of bits.
long? ShiftLeft(long? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the left by the specified number of bits.
sbyte? ShiftLeft(sbyte? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the left by the specified number of bits.
ushort? ShiftLeft(ushort? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the left by the specified number of bits.
uint? ShiftLeft(uint? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the left by the specified number of bits.
ulong? ShiftLeft(ulong? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the left by the specified number of bits.
byte? ShiftRight(byte? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the right by the specified number of bits.
short? ShiftRight(short? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the right by the specified number of bits.
int? ShiftRight(int? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the right by the specified number of bits.
long? ShiftRight(long? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the right by the specified number of bits.
sbyte? ShiftRight(sbyte? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the right by the specified number of bits.
ushort? ShiftRight(ushort? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the right by the specified number of bits.
uint? ShiftRight(uint? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the right by the specified number of bits.
ulong? ShiftRight(ulong? value, int shift)
Shifts the value to the right by the specified number of bits.
byte? Not(byte? value)
Performs bitwise NOT operation on a given value.
short? Not(short? value)
Performs bitwise NOT operation on a given value.
int? Not(int? value)
Performs bitwise NOT operation on a given value.
long? Not(long? value)
Performs bitwise NOT operation on a given value.
sbyte? Not(sbyte? value)
Performs bitwise NOT operation on a given value.
ushort? Not(ushort? value)
Performs bitwise NOT operation on a given value.
uint? Not(uint? value)
Performs bitwise NOT operation on a given value.
ulong? Not(ulong? value)
Performs bitwise NOT operation on a given value.
byte? And(byte? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(byte? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(byte? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(byte? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(byte? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(byte? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(byte? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ulong? And(byte? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(sbyte? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
sbyte? And(sbyte? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(sbyte? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(sbyte? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(sbyte? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(sbyte? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(sbyte? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(short? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(short? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
short? And(short? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(short? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(short? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(short? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(short? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(ushort? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(ushort? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(ushort? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ushort? And(ushort? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(ushort? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(ushort? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(ushort? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ulong? And(ushort? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(int? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(int? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(int? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(int? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
int? And(int? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(int? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(int? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(uint? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(uint? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(uint? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(uint? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(uint? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
uint? And(uint? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ulong? And(uint? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ulong? And(uint? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(long? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(long? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(long? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(long? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(long? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(long? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
long? And(long? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ulong? And(ulong? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ulong? And(ulong? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ulong? And(ulong? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
ulong? And(ulong? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise AND operation on two given values.
byte? Or(byte? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(byte? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(byte? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(byte? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(byte? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(byte? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(byte? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ulong? Or(byte? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(sbyte? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
sbyte? Or(sbyte? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(sbyte? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(sbyte? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(sbyte? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(sbyte? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(sbyte? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(short? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(short? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
short? Or(short? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(short? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(short? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(short? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(short? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(ushort? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(ushort? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(ushort? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ushort? Or(ushort? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(ushort? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(ushort? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(ushort? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ulong? Or(ushort? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(int? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(int? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(int? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(int? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Or(int? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(int? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(int? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(uint? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(uint? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(uint? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(uint? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(uint? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
uint? Or(uint? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ulong? Or(uint? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ulong? Or(uint? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(long? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(long? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(long? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(long? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(long? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(long? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
long? Or(long? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ulong? Or(ulong? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ulong? Or(ulong? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ulong? Or(ulong? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
ulong? Or(ulong? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
byte? Xor(byte? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise OR operation on two given values.
int? Xor(byte? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(byte? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(byte? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(byte? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(byte? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(byte? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ulong? Xor(byte? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(sbyte? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
sbyte? Xor(sbyte? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(sbyte? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(sbyte? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(sbyte? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(sbyte? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(sbyte? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(short? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(short? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
short? Xor(short? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(short? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise XOR operation on two given values.
int? Xor(short? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(short? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(short? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(ushort? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(ushort? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(ushort? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ushort? Xor(ushort? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(ushort? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(ushort? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(ushort? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ulong? Xor(ushort? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(int? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(int? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(int? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(int? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
int? Xor(int? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(int? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(int? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(uint? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(uint? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(uint? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(uint? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(uint? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
uint? Xor(uint? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ulong? Xor(uint? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ulong? Xor(uint? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(long? left, long? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(long? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(long? left, sbyte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(long? left, short? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(long? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(long? left, int? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
long? Xor(long? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ulong? Xor(ulong? left, ulong? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ulong? Xor(ulong? left, byte? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ulong? Xor(ulong? left, ushort? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
ulong? Xor(ulong? left, uint? right)
Performs bitwise Xor operation on two given values.
byte[] GetBytes(string content)
Gets the bytes from the given string.
byte[] GetBytes(string content, int length, int offset)
Gets the bytes from the given string within given offset and length.
byte[] GetBytes(char? character)
Gets the bytes from the given character.
byte[] GetBytes(bool? bit)
Gets the bytes from the given boolean.
byte[] GetBytes(long? value)
Gets the bytes from the given long.
byte[] GetBytes(int? value)
Gets the bytes from the given int.
byte[] GetBytes(short? value)
Gets the bytes from the given short.
byte[] GetBytes(ulong? value)
Gets the bytes from the given ulong.
byte[] GetBytes(ushort? value)
Gets the bytes from the given ushort.
byte[] GetBytes(uint? value)
Gets the bytes from the given uint.
byte[] GetBytes(Decimal? value)
Gets the bytes from the given decimal.
byte[] GetBytes(double? value)
Gets the bytes from the given double.
byte[] GetBytes(float? value)
Gets the bytes from the given float.
string ToBin(byte[] bytes, string delimiter)
Converts given bytes to binary with defined delimiter
string ToBin<T>(T value)
Converts given value to binary
string ToOcta<T>(T value)
Converts given value to octal
string ToDec<T>(T value)
Converts given value to decimal
string ToBase64(byte[] value)
Converts given value to string
string ToBase64(byte[] value, int offset, int length)
Converts given array of bytes to string
byte[] FromBase64(string value)
Converts given string to bytes array
bool FromBytesToBool(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to boolean value.
short FromBytesToInt16(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a 16-bit signed integer.
ushort FromBytesToUInt16(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a 16-bit unsigned integer.
int FromBytesToInt32(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a 32-bit signed integer.
uint FromBytesToUInt32(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
long FromBytesToInt64(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a 64-bit signed integer.
ulong FromBytesToUInt64(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
float FromBytesToFloat(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a float value.
double FromBytesToDouble(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a float value.
string FromBytesToString(byte[] value)
Converts bytes to a string.
byte[] ToBytes(bool value)
Converts boolean value to bytes.
byte[] ToBytes(short value)
Converts short value to bytes.
byte[] ToBytes(ushort value)
Converts ushort value to bytes.
byte[] ToBytes(int value)
Converts int value to bytes.
byte[] ToBytes(uint value)
Converts uint value to bytes.
byte[] ToBytes(long value)
Converts long value to bytes.
byte[] ToBytes(ulong value)
Converts long value to bytes.
string ToHex(byte[] bytes, string delimiter)
Converts given bytes to hex with defined delimiter
string ToHex<T>(T value)
Converts given value to binary
int ExtractFromDate(string date, string partOfDate)
Extracts part of the date from the date
int ExtractFromDate(string date, string culture, string partOfDate)
Extracts part of the date from the date based on given culture
DateTimeOffset? GetDate()
Gets the current datetime
DateTimeOffset? UtcGetDate()
Gets the current datetime in UTC
int? Month(DateTimeOffset? value)
Gets the month from DateTimeOffset
int? Year(DateTimeOffset? value)
Gets the year from DateTimeOffset
int? Day(DateTimeOffset? value)
Gets the day from DateTimeOffset
int? Hour(DateTimeOffset? value)
Gets the hour from DateTimeOffset
int? Minute(DateTimeOffset? value)
Gets the minute from DateTimeOffset
int? Second(DateTimeOffset? value)
Gets the second from DateTimeOffset
int? Milliseconds(DateTimeOffset? value)
Gets the millisecond from DateTimeOffset
int? DayOfWeek(DateTimeOffset? value)
Gets the day of week from DateTimeOffset
TimeSpan? ExtractTimeSpan(DateTimeOffset? dateTimeOffset)
Extracts time from DateTimeOffset
DateTimeOffset? ToDateTimeOffset(string value)
Converts the given value to DateTimeOffset using the current culture.
DateTimeOffset? ToDateTimeOffset(string value, string culture)
Converts the given value to DateTimeOffset using the specified culture.
TimeSpan? SubtractDateTimeOffsets(DateTimeOffset? first, DateTimeOffset? second)
Subtracts the first DateTimeOffset from the second DateTimeOffset.
IEnumerable<T> Skip<T>(IEnumerable<T> values, int skipCount)
Skips elements from the beginning of the sequence.
IEnumerable<T> Take<T>(IEnumerable<T> values, int takeCount)
Takes elements from the beginning of the sequence.
IEnumerable<T> SkipAndTake<T>(IEnumerable<T> values, int skipCount, int takeCount)
Skip and takes elements from the beginning of the sequence.
T[] EnumerableToArray<T>(IEnumerable<T> values)
Turn array arguments of T into a single array.
T[] MergeArrays<T>(T[][] values)
Turn array arguments of T into a single array.
IEnumerable<T> LongestCommonSequence<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, IEnumerable<T> pattern)
Computes longest common sequence of two given sequences
T GetElementAtOrDefault<T>(IEnumerable<T> enumerable, int? index)
Gets the element at the specified index in a sequence
int? Length<T>(IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
Gets the length of the sequence
int? Length<T>(T[] array)
Gets the length of the array
T Choose<T>(int index, T[] values)
Gets the value of an array at the specified index
T If<T>(bool expressionResult, T a, T b)
Chose a or b value based on the expression result
bool? Match(string regex, string content)
Determine whether content matches the specified pattern
byte? Coalesce(byte?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
sbyte? Coalesce(sbyte?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
short? Coalesce(short?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
ushort? Coalesce(ushort?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
int? Coalesce(int?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
Decimal? Coalesce(uint?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
Decimal? Coalesce(long?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
Decimal? Coalesce(ulong?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
Decimal? Coalesce(Decimal?[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
T Coalesce<T>(T[] array)
Gets the first non-null value in a list
IEnumerable<T> Distinct<T>(IEnumerable<T> values)
Returns distinct elements from a collection.
string Md5(string content)
Gets the md5 hash of the given string.
string Md5(byte[] content)
Gets the md5 hash of the given bytes array.
string Sha1(string content)
Gets the sha256 hash of the given string.
string Sha1(byte[] content)
Gets the sha256 hash of the given bytes array.
string Sha256(string content)
Gets the sha256 hash of the given string.
string Sha256(byte[] content)
Gets the sha256 hash of the given bytes array.
string Sha512(string content)
Gets the sha256 hash of the given string.
string Sha512(byte[] content)
Gets the sha256 hash of the bytes array.
string ToJson<T>(T obj)
Converts object to json.
string[] ExtractFromJsonToArray(string json, string path)
Extracts values from json by path.
string ExtractFromJson(string json, string path)
Extracts values from json by path and joins them with comma.
Decimal? Abs(Decimal? value)
Gets the absolute value
long? Abs(long? value)
Gets the absolute value
int? Abs(int? value)
Gets the absolute value
Decimal? Ceil(Decimal? value)
Gets the ceiling value
Decimal? Floor(Decimal? value)
Gets the floor value
Decimal? Sign(Decimal? value)
Determine whether value is greater, equal or less that zero
long? Sign(long? value)
Determine whether value is greater, equal or less that zero
Decimal? Round(Decimal? value, int precision)
Rounds the value within given precision
Decimal? PercentOf(Decimal? value, Decimal? max)
Gets the percentage of the value
int Rand()
Gets the random integer value
int? Rand(int? min, int? max)
Gets the random integer value
double? Pow(Decimal? x, Decimal? y)
Computes the pow between two values
double? Pow(double? x, double? y)
Computes the pow between two values
double? Sqrt(Decimal? x)
Computes the sqrt of a given value
double? Sqrt(double? x)
Computes the sqrt of a given value
double? Sqrt(long? x)
Computes the sqrt of a given value
double? PercentRank<T>(IEnumerable<T> window, T value)
Computes the percent rank of a given window
double? Log(Decimal? base, Decimal? value)
Calculates the logarithm of a value with a specified base.
Decimal? Sin(Decimal? value)
Calculates sine of a value.
double? Sin(double? value)
Calculates sine of a value.
float? Sin(float? value)
Calculates sine of a value.
Decimal? Cos(Decimal? value)
Calculates cosine of a value.
double? Cos(double? value)
Calculates cosine of a value.
float? Cos(float? value)
Calculates cosine of a value.
string NewId()
Gets the new identifier
string Trim(string value)
Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
string TrimStart(string value)
Removes leading whitespace from a string.
string TrimEnd(string value)
Removes trailing whitespace from a string.
string Substring(string value, int? index, int? length)
Gets the substring from the string.
string Substring(string value, int? length)
Gets the substring from the string
string Concat(string[] strings)
Concatenates the specified values
string Concat(char[] characters)
Concatenates the specified characters
string Concat(string firstString, char[] chars)
Concatenates specified string fir characters
string Concat(char? firstChar, string[] strings)
Concatenate specific character with strings
string Concat(object[] objects)
Concatenates the specified strings
string Concat<T>(T[] objects)
Concatenates the specified strings
bool? Contains(string content, string what)
Determine whether the string contains the specified value
int? IndexOf(string value, string text)
Position of the first occurrence of the specified value
string Soundex(string value)
Computes soundex for the specified value
bool HasFuzzyMatchedWord(string text, string word, string separator)
Matches the specified text by splitting it with separator and applying fuzzy comparison
bool HasWordThatHasSmallerLevenshteinDistanceThan(string text, string word, int distance, string separator)
Matches the specified text by splitting it with separator and applying fuzzy comparison with a given distance
bool HasWordThatSoundLike(string text, string word, string separator)
Matches whether the specified word is present after being fuzzified within the specified text
bool HasTextThatSoundLikeSentence(string text, string sentence, string separator)
Matches whether the specified text is present in sentence after being fuzified
string ToUpper(string value)
Makes the string uppercase
string ToUpper(string value, string culture)
Makes the string uppercase within specified culture
string ToUpperInvariant(string value)
Makes the string uppercase
string ToLower(string value)
Makes the string lowercase
string ToLower(string value, string culture)
Makes the string lowercase within specified culture
string ToLowerInvariant(string value)
Makes the string lowercase
string PadLeft(string value, string character, int? totalWidth)
Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them on the left with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total lengt
string PadRight(string value, string character, int? totalWidth)
Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them on the right with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length
string Head(string value, int? length)
Gets the first N characters of the string
string Tail(string value, int? length)
Gets the last N characters of the string
int? LevenshteinDistance(string firstValue, string secondValue)
Computes the Levenshtein distance between two strings
char? GetCharacterOf(string value, int index)
Gets the character at specified index
string Reverse(string value)
Reverses the string
string[] Split(string value, string[] separators)
Splits the string into an array of substrings based on the specified separators
char[] ToCharArray(string value)
Splits the string into an array of characters
string LongestCommonSubstring(string source, string pattern)
Computes the longest common subsequence between two source and pattern
string Replicate(string value, int integer)
Clones the value n times
string Translate(string value, string characters, string translations)
Returns the string from the first argument after the characters specified in the second argument are translated into the characters specified in the third argument.
string Replace(string text, string lookFor, string changeTo)
Replaces the first occurrence of a specified string in this instance with another specified string
string ToTitleCase(string value)
Capitalizes the first letter of the string
string GetNthWord(string text, int wordIndex, string separator)
Gets the nth word of the string
string GetFirstWord(string text, string separator)
Gets the first word of the string
string GetSecondWord(string text, string separator)
Gets the second word of the string
string GetThirdWord(string text, string separator)
Gets the third word of the string
string GetLastWord(string text, string separator)
Gets last word of the string
bool IsNullOrEmpty(string value)
Determines whether the string is null or empty
bool IsNullOrWhiteSpace(string value)
Determines whether the string is null or whitespace
string UrlEncode(string value)
Encodes the value
string UrlDecode(string value)
Decodes the value
string UriEncode(string value)
Encodes the value
string UriDecode(string value)
Decodes the value
bool? StartsWith(string value, string prefix)
Determines whether the string starts with the specified prefix
bool? StartsWith(string value, string prefix, string comparison)
Determines whether the string starts with the specified prefix
bool? EndsWith(string value, string suffix)
Determines whether the string ends with the specified suffix
bool? EndsWith(string value, string suffix, string comparison)
Determines whether the string ends with the specified suffix
string RegexReplace(string value, string pattern, string replacement)
Replace the specified value part that matches the pattern with the replacement
string[] SplitByLinuxNewLines(string input)
Split string by Linux-style newlines (\n)
string[] SplitByWindowsNewLines(string input)
Split string by Windows-style newlines (\r\n)
string[] SplitByNewLines(string input)
Smart split that handles both Windows (\r\n) and Linux (\n) newlines
TimeSpan? AddTimeSpans(TimeSpan?[] timeSpans)
Adds a given set of time spans.
TimeSpan? SubtractTimeSpans(TimeSpan?[] timeSpans)
Subtracts a given set of time spans.
TimeSpan? FromString(string timeSpan)
Turns a string into a time span.
char? ToChar(string value)
Converts given value to character
char? ToChar(int? value)
Converts given value to character
char? ToChar(short? value)
Converts given value to character
char? ToChar(byte? value)
Converts given value to character
char? ToChar(object value)
Converts given value to character
DateTime? ToDateTime(string value)
Converts given value to DateTime
DateTime? ToDateTime(string value, string culture)
Converts given value to DateTime
TimeSpan? SubtractDates(DateTime? date1, DateTime? date2)
Subtracts two DateTime values and returns the difference as a TimeSpan
Decimal? ToDecimal(string value)
Converts given value to decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(string value, string culture)
Converts given value to decimal withing given culture
Decimal? ToDecimal(byte? value)
Converts given value to Decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(sbyte? value)
Converts given value to Decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(short? value)
Converts given value to Decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(ushort? value)
Converts given value to Decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(long? value)
Converts given value to Decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(ulong? value)
Converts given value to Decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(float? value)
Converts given value to Decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(double? value)
Converts given value to Decimal
Decimal? ToDecimal(object value)
Converts given value to Decimal
double? ToDouble(object value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(string value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(byte? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(sbyte? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(short? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(ushort? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(int? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(uint? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(long? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(ulong? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(float? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(double? value)
Converts given value to double
double? ToDouble(Decimal? value)
Converts given value to double
float? ToFloat(string value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(byte? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(sbyte? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(short? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(ushort? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(int? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(uint? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(long? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(ulong? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(float? value)
Converts given value to float
float? ToFloat(Decimal? value)
Converts given value to float
int? ToInt32(string value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(byte? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(sbyte? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(short? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(ushort? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(int? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(uint? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(long? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(ulong? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(float? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(double? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(Decimal? value)
Converts given value to int
int? ToInt32(object value)
Converts given value to int
long? ToInt64(string value)
Converts given value to Int64
long? ToInt64(byte? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(sbyte? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(short? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(ushort? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(int? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(uint? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(long? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(ulong? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(float? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(double? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(Decimal? value)
Converts given value to long
long? ToInt64(object value)
Converts given value to long
string ToString(char? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(DateTimeOffset? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(DateTimeOffset? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(byte? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(byte? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(sbyte? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(sbyte? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(int? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(int? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(uint? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(uint? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(long? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(long? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(ulong? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(ulong? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(float? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(float? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(double? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(double? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(Decimal? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(Decimal? value, string format)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(bool? value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(object value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString<T>(T value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString(string[] value)
Converts given value to string
string ToString<T>(T[] value)
Converts given value to string
TimeSpan? ToTimeSpan(string value)
Converts given value to TimeSpan
TimeSpan? ToTimeSpan(string value, string culture)
Converts given value to TimeSpan